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December 19, 2011
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday – December 19, 2011
Town Hall Annex
January 9, 2012

Present: Lou Trostel, Susan Olilla, Dave Milton, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constatino and Bruce Rollins.

The meeting was convened at 7:07 PM in the Annex
The minutes from the previous meeting, November 21 were approved.

Superintendent’s Report
There was one full burial this month at Woodlawn Cemetery. After the burial, a number of inappropriate plantings were made by the family and friends. Bruce will contact the family and suggest we remove the plantings to an appropriate area in the spring.

There were no lots sales this month.

The late October snow storm left considerable damage in the cemeteries. Parker II in particular had many fallen limbs. The Highway Department helped with the clean-up. All the cemeteries have been done.

Trees at Woodlawn – The leaning tree has yet to be removed.

North Cemetery – Any move of the utility support pole located in the parking area appears quite difficult. We agreed to leave it as is currently located.

Lot Buy-Back Program
Susan has sent Lynne a copy of a letter from one such program in New York. Lynne will check if there are similar programs in Boston or other towns.

Cemetery Improvements – Next Year
South – Renovations by May 30. Stonewall rebuilding work – Monty Tech help is not possible. County inmates are a probability. Additional shrubs and trees will be planted.

Signage will be improved at each cemetery.

North – Road need improvement. Perforated pipe will be installed to drain off the water.

Many programs are available. It was suggested we coordinate with the Assessors program and the Greenways program.

Hubbardston has rented ground penetrating x-ray equipment which may be of interest to us. Lynne will check out these details.

Extended Plans – Woodlawn Enlargement
Bruce will check on the “wetlands” line.
FY13 Budget Discussion
Currently the labor funds are shown on one line – including both the superintendent’s time and any workers’ time. Bruce suggested splitting this item into two lines to better identify the labor hours. Bruce will check with Janice about this proposed modification in the presentation of the FY budget and the monthly results budget.

We are within budget for this year. Bruce inquired if there were any changes planned for FY13.

L J Trostel was elected Chairman

Next Meeting
We plan to meet next on Monday January 23 at 7:00 pm at the Annex. This is the 4th Monday because the usual 3rd Monday falls on the MLK holiday.

The meeting was adjourned about 8:14 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
